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Students Refer to NCERT Solutions

Why Should Students Refer to NCERT Solutions?


The National Council of Education and Research, abbreviated as the NCERT, plays a crucial role in publishing and distributing textbooks at primary and secondary levels. These textbooks are prepared under the guidance of highly qualified subject-matter experts. The NCERT textbooks are considered the best books for CBSE students. In India, the textbooks published by the NCERT are vastly used, especially in all the schools affiliated with the CBSE Board.

But, some students, along with their respective textbooks, also take the help of reference books. Instead of reading from the NCERT textbooks prescribed by the school, students make mistakes by reading from textbooks published by other publishers. This creates confusion and doubts in the minds of students and parents.

Before looking at reference books, you should cover each topic from NCERT books and practice from NCERT Solutions. You will find NCERT Solutions for all classes and subjects such as Class 7 English Chapter 1, Class 6 NCERT Solutions for Science, etc. However, there’s no harm in studying from reference books, but you should also remember that CBSE examinations for any class don’t include any questions not covered in NCERT books.

1. NCERT Solutions stick to the CBSE curriculum

The CBSE board exam question papers include direct and indirect questions from NCERT books and NCERT Solutions. NCERT Solutions are curated by keeping the CBSE curriculum in mind. They offer in-depth knowledge of each subject, topic, and concept to students and let them learn effectively.

2. NCERT class-wise solutions explain everything in detail

NCERT class-wise solutions provide students with hands-on practice with ample examples, to better understand things. The NCERT solutions cover every topic and straightforwardly explain everything with the help of diagrams and definitions, for every class. The best way to study from NCERT solutions is by checking line by line, marking all the essential topics, and making notes side-by-side.

3. NCERT Solutions are easy to understand

NCERT Solutions are prepared in an easy-to-understand language, so that each student can understand it irrespective of whether they come first or last in class.  The level of book solutions is comparatively more accessible than the reference books, as they clarify and polish the doubts of students, and give them a better understanding of complex concepts and subjects.

4. CBSE itself recommends NCERT Solutions

CBSE always tells students to go through the NCERT solutions for CBSE board examinations. As per CBSE, NCERT solutions are sufficient to score well in board exams.  the students to score well in the exams.

5. Each chapter in NCERT Solutions has important questions at the end

In NCERT solutions, students will find that each chapter ends with some critical questions. They include fill-in-the-blanks, true or false, one-word answers, or descriptive questions. Students need to be thorough with these questions, as these questions are twisted, and can be a part of the CBSE board exam question papers.

6. Helps in competitive exam preparation

NCERT Solutions for maths and science, helps a student develop a strong grip on the fundamentals of mathematics and science concepts, from the start. Besides board and school exams, these solutions also help prepare for undergraduate and graduate-level competitive exams like IIT JEE, BITSAT, NEET, CAT, NTSE, GRE, KVPY, NSO etc.

We wish you all the best in your examinations. But, students should remember that nothing is more critical than NCERT books and solutions, such as NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 1 until your schooling. Don’t get confused between your main course books and reference books; stick to NCERT and once you have finished it, refer to the side books.

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