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Strange Historical Events That You Won’t Believe Happened


Have you ever wondered what would happen if the world was turned upside down? What if all of your everyday rules were suddenly turned on their heads, and everything you thought was true wasn’t anymore? It sounds like an interesting idea for a movie or TV show, but it’s actually happened many times throughout history–and some of these strange historical events are so bizarre that they still surprise us today.

The freaky trivia questions about these events will leave you scratching your head and wondering, “How could that possibly happen?” Some of these events are weird enough to make you question the laws of physics, while others will make you think twice about trusting anyone ever again. There’s no doubt that these strange historical events are some of the most bizarre things that have ever happened on Earth–and they’ll definitely change your perspective on what it means to be human.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of those strange historical events and try to understand why they happened in the first place.

The Great Fire of Rome

The Great Fire of Rome was one of the greatest disasters in history. It started on July 19th, 64 AD and lasted for six days. The fire spread quickly through the city, destroying homes, businesses and temples alike. There are many theories as to how it began; some say that Nero had his palace set on fire so he could build a new one in its place (which is why he’s often accused of starting it).

Others believe that it was started by accident when someone dropped their torch near some hay or oil lamps at night. Whatever caused this disaster though, we do know what happened next: The fire spread quickly through Rome because there were no fire brigades back then–there weren’t even any streets.

People would throw buckets of water from windows onto buildings across from them but this didn’t help much because there wasn’t enough water available anyway; most people just stood around watching their homes burn down instead of trying anything else useful like putting out fires themselves or evacuating everyone who lived nearby before they got hurt too badly by smoke inhalation etcetera…

The Salem Witch Trials

The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions that took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony between February 1692 and May 1693. The trials resulted in the executions of twenty people, all women, who were accused of witchcraft. The trials began after a group of young girls began behaving strangely in the village of Salem Village (now Danvers). They would twitch and contort their bodies into strange positions, uttering unintelligible sounds while they did so. The girls claimed that they were being afflicted by witches who had been sent to torment them by Satan himself.

As word spread about these strange happenings, other residents began reporting similar experiences: they too had seen ghosts flying overhead or felt themselves being pinched by unseen hands at night time; some even claimed that witches had attacked them physically during the day.

Soon enough there were over 150 people claiming to have been bewitched–and with each new accusation came another trial…

The Great Plague of London

The Great Plague of London was a devastating epidemic that killed an estimated 100,000 people in the city between 1665 and 1666. It’s said to have been caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which is usually transmitted through fleas on rats and other rodents.

The disease quickly spread across Europe after its initial outbreak in China (where it was known as “black death”).The first signs of this pandemic were reported in England when several people died from buboes–swollen lymph nodes–and feverish symptoms such as chills and vomiting.

As it continued to spread throughout England, physicians were unable to determine what was causing these symptoms until 1664 when Dr. John Graunt published his findings about how many deaths occurred during each month:

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most well-known landmarks in the world. It’s also one of the oldest, having been built during the Qin dynasty (221-207 BCE). The purpose behind its construction was to protect China from invaders and prevent them from entering through its borders.

The wall stretches for over 5,500 miles across northern China and includes many different sections that were built at different times by various dynasties. Some parts are made out of bricks while others are made out of stone or earth; some parts are tall enough for soldiers to stand on top while others aren’t much taller than an average person standing next to them.

The Fall of the Roman Empire

The fall of the Roman Empire is one of the most important events in history. It changed everything, and it’s still affecting us today. The Roman Empire was an enormous territory that stretched from England to Egypt and from Spain to Turkey. It was ruled by emperors who lived in Rome, Italy–a city now called “Rome” because it was once home to many emperors (and still is).

The empire began as a republic but became an empire when Julius Caesar seized power in 44 BC and was later assassinated by his enemies; they feared he would become too powerful if allowed to live longer than just five years.

Caesar had been elected consul–one of two top officials who led Rome’s government–but after his death another man named Octavian took over as sole ruler under the title Augustus Caesar (his family name). He expanded Roman territory even further until there were few lands left unclaimed by either Rome itself or one of its allies such as Carthage (now Tunisia) or Egypt

The French Revolution

The French Revolution was a period of social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 to 1799. It began with the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, and ended with Napoleon’s coronation as Emperor on December 2, 1804.

The revolution saw the end of feudalism and established an absolute monarchy in France under Louis XVIII (1755-1824), who ruled until his death in 1824.

The most important result was probably the abolition of serfdom; however, this came at great cost: thousands were executed during this period–many by guillotine–and many more fled their homes for fear of persecution or death at the hands of revolutionaries who wanted nothing short than complete change throughout France


  • The strange historical events you read about in this article are still relevant today.
  • They fascinate people because they’re so strange and unexpected, but also because they show that even the most powerful people in history can make mistakes or be wrong about something.
  • These events have been covered extensively by historians, who have tried to explain why they happened and what lessons we can learn from them today.

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